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What is Mobx?

  1. Understanding MobX:
    • MobX is a state management library that helps in managing application state by making state changes observable. It enables you to create reactive and efficient applications.
    • It works on the principle of observable state. When the state changes, MobX automatically updates any components that are observing that state.
  2. Setting Up Your Project:
    • Start by creating a new React project or any other frontend framework of your choice.
    • Install MobX and its React bindings (mobx-react) using npm or yarn:
npm install mobx mobx-react
  • Configure MobX with your application. This typically involves creating a store where your application’s state will reside.
  1. Defining Your Blog State:
    • Identify the different pieces of state your blog application will have. This may include:
      • List of blog posts
      • Current user
      • Comments
      • etc.
    • Create MobX observables for each piece of state. These observables will automatically trigger re-renders when they are updated.
  2. Creating Actions:
    • Actions are functions that modify the state of your application.
    • Define actions for operations like adding a new blog post, deleting a post, updating user information, etc.
    • Ensure that these actions are wrapped in MobX @action decorator to make them observable.
  3. Implementing Components:
    • Build your React components to display different parts of your blog.
    • Use MobX’s @observer decorator on your components that rely on observable state. This will make them reactively update whenever the observed state changes.
  4. Connecting Components to the Store:
    • Inject your MobX store(s) into your components using the useStore hook or MobX’s @inject decorator.
    • Access the state and actions from the store within your components to display data and handle user interactions.
  5. Testing and Debugging:
    • Test your application thoroughly to ensure that state changes are being managed correctly.
    • Utilize MobX DevTools for debugging, which provides insights into how state changes over time.
  6. Optimizing Performance:
    • MobX provides mechanisms for optimizing performance, such as computed values and reaction. Utilize these where appropriate to minimize unnecessary re-renders.
  7. Deploying Your Application:
    • Once everything is working as expected, deploy your blog application to a hosting service so that others can access it.

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