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usestate hook in react js


React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, introduced hooks in version 16.8 as a way to use state and other React features in functional components. Among these hooks, useState is perhaps the most fundamental. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the basics of the useState hook, its syntax, and how it can be used to manage state in React components.

What is the useState Hook?

useState is a hook that allows functional components in React to manage state. Prior to the introduction of hooks, state management was only possible in class components. With useState, functional components can now hold and update their own state, bringing parity between functional and class components.


The syntax for using useState is simple:

const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

Here, useState is a function provided by React, which takes an initial state as its argument and returns an array containing two elements: the current state value (state) and a function (setState) to update that value.


Let’s explore a basic example to understand how to use useState:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
      <p>Count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>

export default Counter;

In this example, we define a functional component called Counter. We use the useState hook to declare a state variable called count, initialized to 0. We then render the current count value and a button that, when clicked, calls the setCount function to increment the count.

Differences between useState Hook and Variable Declarations:

  • Scope: useState hook is scoped to a functional component, while variables declared with let, const, and var are scoped within their block.
  • State Management: useState provides a mechanism specifically designed for managing state in React functional components, offering built-in state management features.
  • Immutability: useState hook enforces immutability by updating state with its setState function, ensuring proper re-rendering of components. Variables declared with let and var do not enforce immutability by default.
  • Reactivity: State variables declared with useState automatically trigger re-renders when their values change, whereas changes to variables declared with let, const, and var may not trigger re-renders unless managed explicitly.


  1. Simplified State Management: useState simplifies state management in functional components, reducing the need for class components.
  2. Cleaner Code: With useState, components become more concise and easier to read compared to class-based state management.
  3. Improved Performance: Functional components using hooks can be optimized for better performance compared to class components.


  • The useState hook is a powerful tool in React.js that allows functional components to manage state. Its simplicity and ease of use make it a fundamental aspect of modern React development. By understanding and leveraging useState, developers can create more efficient and maintainable React applications.
  • By incorporating the useState hook into your React.js projects, you can effectively manage state within functional components and create dynamic user interfaces with ease.

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